Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Private to Public -- Putting on Makeup in Starbucks

When I first started thinking about what I could perform in public that I normally do in private, I couldn’t think of anything. But when I ran through my daily routine, something that stuck out to me was putting on makeup. I always put on my makeup in the same place, next to my desk, and I have a specific box with all of my makeup in it located right next to my mirror. It is located in a corner, tucked away from the rest of the room, so its difficult to see me from most areas. Some of my friends have seen me doing this, but unless you’ve spent a significant amount of time in my room you probably wouldn’t. When it came time to choose the place in which I was going to put on makeup, I originally wanted to do it in the Lawrinson bookstore, but it closed too early. So I went to Starbucks with a bag of makeup, spread all of my things out over a table, and I began to apply makeup using my compact as a mirror. I put on mascara, lip gloss, foundation and eyeliner, and I did my nails last. People didn’t look at me too much, only every once in a while; although when they saw my roommate start to take pictures they noticed more and more. I became a bit embarrassed, and I wondered what people thought about it. I could see them staring as she was taking the picture, looking back and forth between the two of us. They all looked confused, and stared until I packed up my things. All in all, it was an interesting feeling – I felt a bit exposed, but not horribly so. I had put on makeup in a public bathroom before, but never just in a coffee shop or somewhere that you wouldn’t associate with “getting ready”. I think this experience showed me just how private putting on makeup actually is to me – something I hadn’t realized prior to doing it in front of people I didn’t know.

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